to clean drinkingwater.
ON GRID supply (230V/110V)
via BACK-UP transformer.
Uninteruptible power supply
via battery in case of Power
Shock protected mechanic.
Unique connectors against
mix-up installation.
switch ON / OFF.
Implementation and
expendable items – Plug&Play
Director: Prof. Dr. med. M. Exner
Head of Department: Dr. rer. Nat. J. Gebel
exceeds WHO Drinking Water Guidelines.
END TAP INSTALLATION for End Users to get daily supply of healthy clean drinking water.
“We shall not finally defeat AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, or any of the other
infectious diseases that plague the developing world until we have also won the battle
of safe drinking water, sanitation and basic health care!“
University Bonn – Institute for Hygiene and Public Health ihph, Collaboration Partner WHO.
Made by Siemens
LCS - The LOGO CONTROL SYSTEM is the smart brain of MyWaterstation.
LCS performs our philosophy of outstanding functionality, operation as well security concerning malfunction and manipulation for easy&safe operation.
LCS controls and monitors all operations of drinking water production as well as energy management generated by solar panels, GSM solar battery and ON GRID operation.
LCS stores and reports information about unit performance and status, as well as maintenance and service cycles.
LCS for easy update of software and monitoring protocols via LAN and SD card.
LCS guides users and technicians safely through the service and maintenance procedure for assured water quality.
LCS is based on German Made products, technology and software.
daily up to 7.000 liters
of drinking water per day –
solar powered.
UVC Dose +400 J/m². />+ 99,99 % water purity.
Monitoring according to „WASH PROGRAM OF WHO".
ON GRID supply (230V/110V)
via BACK-UP transformer.
Uninteruptible power supply
via battery in case of Power
shock protected mounted mechanic.
switch ON / OFF.
Implementation and
expendable items – Plug&Play
First Aid & Water Trucks.
• Expert Report by University Bonn - Institute for Hygiene and Public Health ihph.
• Prevention Unit against COVID19 Virus.
• Destroys microorganisms, bacteria and viruses without the use of chemicals.
• All materials suitable and certified for drinking water - DVGW.
• Housing & Filter cartridges with antimicrobial technology.
• OFF-GRID independent and solar powered – solar water production up to 7.000 l/day.
• Simple one-switch operation ON / OFF.
• Easy to maintain and service without tools – pump, UVC Unit, hoses.
• LOGO Control Unit LCS - Siemens and Made in Germany Technology.
• Power Management.
• User guiding Control System for Service and Maintenance.
• Automated daily water production versus stagnation.
• Goods are not hazardous classified.
• Steelbox with anti-corrosive coating and transport bars.
• All Connectors different versus malfunction and manipulation.
• SAS Shock Absorbing System for rough transportation.
• Low weight and easy to transport - EURO Palette size.
• Cost efficient.